Entering Week Six

Posted: July 26, 2011 in Uncategorized

I feel like I am home here in Philly now. I love living in a city, getting up and walking to work instead of getting in a car and driving to work. I enjoy watching people in the morning rushing around with their coffee….the worse is that I had to give up my high heels for practical shoes. I really miss my red high heels..Occasionally I do carry them in my bag to work just so my feet do not forget the corporate world.
The city is full of fantastic restaurants and I have enjoyed frequenting many of them. Lunch consists of a trip to the Comcast Building….it has a fantastic food court in the bottom of it with many choices….I give in to the healthier fare though and bypass the famous cheese steak sandwiches.

Beginning Week 6

Posted: July 25, 2011 in Uncategorized

I have not posted anything to my blog in a long time and so much has been going on in my world of nonprofit in Philadelphia.  I must say, I am enjoying myself immensely here!  Philadelphia is such a fun and beautiful city.  Trying to describe it now is like seeing a field of beautiful flowers and then having to describe someone in detail the beauty and the smell.  It just can not be done.

My favorite thing here for me is my free bike.  I ride it often through the beautiful Fairmount Park to East Falls, PA and across the river to return back to my apartment on Chestnut Street.  I have found making friends in Philly fairly easy.  I love exploring my new home city.  The Italian Market, concerts, restaurants.

I enjoy my volunteer assignment at Public Citizens for Children and Youth.  I have spent time attending workshops on social mediums for nonprofits.  I presented to the staff the reasons to embrace social media.   The guidelines for use have now been developed and it is just a matter of getting the final design of the facebook finished.  I am attending yet another workshop tomorrow morning on social media in nonprofit organizations.

I am putting together the design and information around The Annual Report.  I am meeting with GSK, Dawn Moyer, to get her imput into my design of the brochure.




Two weeks and counting!

Posted: June 3, 2011 in Uncategorized

Two weeks from today I will be on a plane to begin my journey from the corporate world which is all I have known.  I will begin my six month journey working for a nonprofit in Philadelphia.   I just returned from Spain and Morocco this week so battling jet lag.  I have so many things to do to prepare for my new adventure.   This is the beginning of many blog entries to come.